Sunday, January 29, 2012

~ HDM Kamen Rider Black RX

Now, here is another review on the HDM series of RX. Currently, I am waiting the arrival of latest HDM series that has Black, Shadowmoon and Faiz. Cool !!!

I am Kamen Rider Black RX !!! The cool signature pose of RX after he killed a monster.

The beam saber is made from clear plastic.

Close up looks. The red on the watch actually faded. I retouch up it. Its sad to see there is a "nip" mark on the chin that spoils the looks. :(

Comparison with Ultimate Solid release RX (Right). I am not sure why US series size looks bigger maybe because of the head. The paint on the tight is different. HDM looks more accurate.

Anyway, I feel the paint job on US series is smoother. The watch has better paint details.

Friday, January 27, 2012

~HDM Kamen Rider Biorider

Sorry for the long wait on posting this cool rider from HDM series. I have been wanted to open it from the seal bag but lack of display space last time. I like the sculpture or molding of this figures. Look accurate from the show. Biorider is the only rider that can change into liquid form !!! Cool !!! As for those who don't know about Biorider, he is actually the third form of Kamen Rider RX.

Close up shots on the head and body. I had touch up the face, belt and the eyes. Part of the red color eyes is not properly painted. I added black lining, blue and red dots on the belt too !!!

The beam saber is made from clear plastic painted in light blue. It has fine prepainted details !!!

More coming soon !!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

~ Transformers: Victory Saber Combines

Transformers Star Saber is my favorite Transformers during my childhood time. I remembered last time my mom asked me to choose one Transformers toys when i went shopping with her. I was choosing between Road Caesar and Star Saber. That time transformers was made in Japan !!! It was really a hard decision. In the end, I chose Road Caesar as this set has 3 Transformers. I played the Road Caesar figures with bro until all the stickers worn out, the figures still looks solid !!! Anyway, let's have a look on Star Saber combine with Victory Leo !!! Cool !!!

Video Credits: wutonchu from YouTube

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

~ Happy Chinese New Year 2012

Its Ang Pau (Red Packet) time again !!! So fast we enter another new year !!! Wish everyone a prosperous life and stay healthy during these holidays (To whoever that celebrates !!!) . I will post more review soon. I manage to "grab" some time to snap more photos of my collections during the holidays. Cheers !!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

~ SIC Kamen Rider Super 1 (Part 2)

The signature pose of Super 1 !!!

The shoulder lifting angle is a bit limited due to its shoulder armor.

Colorful and detail belt set. The center piece of belt with many red dots are actually dark green transparent plastic !!! Nice !!!

Lets have close looks on the head sculpt. Nice transparent details in the bug eyes !!! The head is very nicely "SICed" while maintain original looks.

Details on the arm. He has very nice sculpt.

Here we go !!!

More to come on the accessories on the hand parts.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

~ SIC Kamen Rider Super 1

One of my child hood Kamen Rider Super 1 !!! Super 1 is really cool and handsome !!!

Many types of hands are provided in this set. Unfortunately, Super 1 has very little die cast which is almost no longer suit the title Chogokin.

I will continue second part of review soon....