Friday, January 23, 2009

~ Street Fighter Video Game (Youtube)

Wao!!! I just found this special video on Youtube. A very creative video which is built-in with mini game!!! It is actually a video which can response to your click. You can choose your opponent and cast skill or techniques. Besides that, the creator is using toys as Street Fighters characters. A very impressive work indeed.

Video credits: PatrickBolvin from YouTube


  1. Gagagaga...very funny video clips there! The Sota version is way better than the Revoltech, atleast their sizes win! The Revoltech SF too small plus a bit pricey.
    Thanks for sharing, bro.

  2. Haha, u welcome....ealier i thought what was this video ...Yea i like Sota sculpt also, looks more original to anime/ game version =D

  3. The guy who make this video clip is darn cool! :)
