Tuesday, March 24, 2009

~ EVENT: Give our Earth a chance to breath

On 28th March 2009, the campaign of "Lights Off for Our Earth @ Earth Hour" will be held in the whole world. Our only Earth climate has change drastically due to global warming. In my country, the weather is extremely unpredictable nowadays. Sometimes the heavy rains come for hours or there is no rain for a few days until the weather becomes extremely hot compared to last time. A lot of heat has been released from our daily activities. It's time for us to make some changes. Come let us all support this campaign. We surely can make a big difference by letting the Earth to cool down. You don't have to fork out money and energy. You just have switch off the light and other unnecessary electrical appliances especially air-conditional which produce a lot of heat from compressor for 1 hour between 8.30p.m.-9.30p.m. Simple rite? =)

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