Tuesday, November 15, 2011

~ RMC Rider Mask Best Selection 2 (Preview)

This is the 1st time I purchase Rider Mask head set. Best selection 2 received about 2 weeks ago!!! There is no secret in the Best Selection line. Basically, they are more like reissue of some nice rider head from pass released. I wanted to get Black and Eternal :) The size is approximately 1/6 scale. But, they are slightly larger than 1/6 Medicom RAH head. Every head comes with display stand. Each set of 8 pieces comes with only 1 light up stand. Total 14 types in this series.

Double !!! I like the green metallic ~

Eternal !!! Comes with yellow light up stand !!!

Black the undeniable Best Legend Masked Rider.


  1. very nice collection bro, where did u buy?? :) really hard to find nowadays

  2. Hi, I bought it from online store :) But I think, this set already sold out quite some time ago. New series coming soon !!!
