Friday, October 5, 2012

~ Transformers Prime Rumble (Robot mode)

The front view. His body design is quite unusual as a Transformers. It looks like a demon face which is almost similar to Gurren Lagann. The two red "eyes" on chest is made from clear part. My unit suffer a few paint chip at head and yellow stomach which i have to touch up.

The side view. Rumble comes in turquoise color. I wished he is more blueish.

The back view. 

With weapon on pose. Hasbro shown that his weapon partly painted in blue color but actual one doesn't have it. =( 

Super-kick !!! 

It's Rumble time !!! This is the classic G1 favorite move by Rumble and his mate. He can kneel naturally. I am surprise to see his articulations are almost close to fully pose-able action figure. He has two points joint on thigh.

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