Here are some photos of Comic Con limited 1/64 1966 TV Batmobile. It is limited to only 8000 units. It has reached at least 60USD!

Nice real riders rims!

Interior is painted as well.

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Now, here comes the most expensive 1/64 TV Batmobile. It is Limited Edition 1966 Batmobile from 2008 Dream Halloween Charity Party, Benefiting CAAF Children Affected by Aids Foundation. According to the seller, only 3000 units were produced. In order to get this, you have to pruchased the charity ticket for 300USD. Now, this car has reached at least 90USD. I like its colour! Spectraflame dark blue + chrome orange + special Haloween tampos!

Can you see the bling-bling?

Photo shown below is the Hot Wheels Club Exclusive of red line Batmobile. The rims really match with this Batmobile!

Heres a special custom made by one of the eBay seller. This mold looks really great for a Batmobile!

Another custom made of an old 1940's Batmobile.

Now, this one is super cool! The seller had made only 6 units of casting which is scratched built from drag bus and 2003 Hot Wheels Batmobile. It has reached more than 40USD. I hope I can own one of this.

The Bat logo is not a sticker but was "carved" out by using a saw! It was nice cut!

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Cool! Thanks for sharing, bro .:)
Hey bro, it seem hard to find your e-mail address in this blog. Can you mail to me at this address -
Coz I wanna invite you to Tagged, something similar to Friendster website. First time join it, feel like a noob...>_<
Haha ok will mail you my email address. Hehem not putting it in blog to avoid spam :P
Ok man, look forward. :)
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